Lymphedema Treatments in Mumbai by Board Certified Plastic Surgeon of Mumbai



Scrotoplasty is a surgical procedure performed to treat conditions like buried penis and Webbed penis. Surgeons also use Scrotoplasty to create a new scrotum as a part of gender-affirming surgery for transgender men or individuals seeking genital reconstruction. REASONS FOR SCROTOPLASTY IN MUMBAI BURIED PENIS: Children & Adults can have a buried penis a a congenital condition (since birth) Or as a result of previous procedure like circumcision. Buried penis in adults is commonly as a result of obesity, overhanging fat from lower abdomen or lymphedema or previous surgeries, if any. SAGGING OR ENLARGED SCROTUM: Scrotoplasty in this case is more common in older adults when their scrotums naturally begin to sag as they lose muscle tone. People with enlarged scrotum find it uncomfortable for them to engage in exercise, sexual activity or other physical activities as it gets in the way. WEBBED PENIS: Some people have a web like skin connecting their scrotums  to the shaft of the penis which impacts sexual function & penetrative intercourse. Hence, Scrotoplasty for cosmetic reasons. GENDER AFFIRMATION SURGERY: For transgender men, scrotoplasty helps align physical characteristics with gender identity, contributing to a more congruent and affirming body image. TRAUMA OR INJURY: Scrotoplasty can help repair a scrtum damaged by trauma or injury. SKIN INFECTIOUS: In some cases, grave infections to the area can necissitate multiple surgeries & scrotoplasty to repair the scrotum. SCROTOPLASTY TECHNIQUES depend on individual anatomy, final outcome, current condition / deficiencies, surgical goals and patient preferences. BENEFITS OF SCROTOPLASTY: Scrotoplasty mainly affects people’s quality of life & emotional wellbeing. Increased self-esteem: More satisfaction & happiness in sexual relationships. Urinary function: Buried penis post scrotoplasty may significantly improve your quality of life with urinating. People seeking gender affirmation are closer to reaching the identity they feel most comfortable in. Conclusion: Scrotoplasty is a significant procedure that plays a crucial role in medical congenital deviations, post trauma deficiences, infections and gender-affirming persons.  By understanding the procedure, its goal, potential outcomes, inviduals can make informed decsions in partnership with the expert surgeon. Ultimately, scrotoplasty represents a milestone in the journey towards personal authenticity and well-being for males affected physcially, functionally and emotionally and also for others seeking solutions for the same.


Upper Limb Lymphedema

Upper limb lymphedema is a chronic medical disorder characterized by the expansion of lymphatic fluid in the arm, hand, or upper extremities. It commonly arises when the lymphatic system, liable for dehydrating extra fluid and maintaining the immune process, is unsatisfactory or harmed. This situation can result from various reasons, including surgery, radiation therapy, infection, trauma, or congenital factors. Upper limb lymphedema can lead to swelling, discomfort, reduced mobility, and an increased risk of infections. Management strategies include compression therapy, exercise, skincare, and sometimes surgical interventions. In this summary, we will talk about upper limb lymphedema : 1. Definition: Upper limb lymphedema is a situation where there is swelling and fluid retention in the arms and hands due to impaired lymphatic drainage. 2. Causes: Common Uses include surgical disposal of lymph nodes, radiation treatment, infections (e.g., cellulitis), and hereditary aspects. Cancer treatments, especially for breast cancer, are a significant trigger. 3. Symptoms: Patients constantly experience swelling, discomfort, heaviness, and a lower range of gestures in the affected limb. Skin modifications, such as thickening or hardening, can also happen. 4. Diagnosis: Doctors diagnose upper limb lymphedema through clinical evaluation, medical history, and imaging examinations like lymphoscintigraphy. 5. Management: Management strategies focus on decreasing swelling and enhancing quality of life. This includes: ● Compression Therapy: Wearing compression habiliment to help lymphatic discharge ● Physical Therapy: Exercises and manual lymphatic drainage techniques to facilitate circulation. ● Medications: Some medications may be specified to organize signs and decrease inflammation. 6. Surgery: Surgical interventions like Lymphovenous Bypass and Vascularized Lymph node transfer can be planned in collaboration with conservative methods to prevent further progression and yield a better quality of life. 7. Lifestyle Modifications: Patients are encouraged to retain a healthy weight, bypass injury, and practice good skin care to prevent disease. 8. Complications: If left untreated, upper limb lymphedema can lead to recurrent diseases, reduced limb procedures, and a lower quality of life. 9. Prevention: Reducing the risk of upper limb lymphedema implicates reasonable post-surgical care, before the distinction of signs, and diligent administration. 10. Support: Patients are frequently satisfied with support groups and counseling to manage the expressive and psychological characteristics of residents with lymphedema. In conclusion, upper limb lymphedema is an established situation that can enormously affect a person’s life. Early diagnosis, reasonable management, and lifestyle adjustments are critical for minimizing its consequences and improving the patient’s overall well-being. We strive to provide compassionate, comprehensive care for individuals with lymphedema, helping them optimize their health, function, and quality of life.In conclusion, upper limb lymphedema is an established situation that can enormously affect a person’s life. Early diagnosis, reasonable management, and lifestyle adjustments are critical for minimizing its consequences and improving the patient’s overall well-being. We strive to provide compassionate, comprehensive care for individuals with lymphedema, helping them optimize their health, function, and quality of life. Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *FirstLastPhone *Email *Message *Email Book Now Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

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Diabetic foot Treatment in Mumbai

Diabetic foot is one of the most common and severe complications of diabetes, especially those who have poorly controlled sugar levels over an extended period. The condition arises due to a combination of factors such as neuropathy (nerve damage) and peripheral arterial disease (reduced flow to the extremities). Here’s how these factors contribute to the development of diabetic foot: Neuropathy: High blood sugar levels can damage the nerves in the body, especially those in the hand and feet. This condition is known as Diabetic Neuropathy.  Neuropathy can lead to a loss of sensation in the feet, making it difficult for individuals to detect injuries, infections or wounds. Peripheral Arterial Disease: Diabetes can also cause narrowing and hardening of the blood vessels, which causes poor circulation to the extremities, thereby, impairing the body’s ability to deliver oxygen, nutrients to the feet, making it difficult for wounds to heal properly. When the 2 factors combine, it can result in the following complications associated with diabetic foot: Foot ulcers: Due to the reduced sensation people with diabetic foot may develop wounds or ulcers on their feet without noticing, which can become infected and difficult to heal due to the compromised blood flow. Infections: this is very common due to the presence of open wounds and weakened immunity, which is also a complication of diabetes. Gangrene: ntreated foot ulcers and infections can progress to gangrene, a condition where the body tissues die due to lack of blood flow and infection. Charcot foot: This is a condition where the bones in the foot weaken and collapse leading to significant deformities and instability. Management of diabetic foot involves a multidisciplinary approach, including regular foot examinations by health care professionals, strict blood sugar control, foot care education, proper footwear, wound care, and in severe cases, surgical interventions to remove dead tissues or correct deformities. Prevention is crucial in diabetic foot management. Foot care in Diabetics should include: Inspecting their feet daily for any signs of injury, blisters, cuts or infections. Keeping their feet clean and dry. Moisturizing their feet to prevent cracking. Wearing well-fitting and comfortable foot wear. Avoiding walking barefoot. Managing blood sugar levels through a balanced diet, exercise, and medication as prescribed by their health care provider. If you or someone you know has diabetes and is experiencing foot problems, it is essential to seek prompt medical attention to prevent complications and ensure proper management. Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *FirstLastPhone *Email *Message *Comment Book Now

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Best Lymphedema Treatment in Mumbai

  Upper limb Lymphedema   Upper limb lymphedema is a chronic medical disorder characterized by the expansion of lymphatic fluid in the arm, hand, or upper extremities. It commonly arises when the lymphatic system, liable for dehydrating extra fluid and maintaining the immune process, is unsatisfactory or harmed. This situation can result from various reasons, including surgery, radiation therapy, infection, trauma, or congenital factors. Upper limb lymphedema can lead to swelling, discomfort, reduced mobility, and an increased risk of infections. Management strategies include compression therapy, exercise, skincare, and sometimes surgical interventions. In this summary, we will talk about upper limb lymphedema :  

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